Wednesday, December 3, 2008


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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Skype Interview

Here is an interview with my friend Sarah about how she uses technology in her classroom. She is a Special Ed. Language arts teacher, so she loves some of the ways tech allows her to engage students with different learning styles or learning disabilities. She also talks about the issues her class faced with sharing information; they couldn't handle a wiki. She shares about that experience and what she decided to do instead.

About Skype in general, I think it's great! I look forward to using it a lot in my Social Studies classrooms to talk to students around the globe. Right now I use it to talk to my friends in Malawi, Africa. I have also recently been enjoying google video chat. It's super easy, and the video quality and speed are impressive, even across the Atlantic! This is one of the technologies which is most appealing and accessible to me.

And here is the link for the i talk, the recorder she uses to connect to ipods for her dyslexic students in particular.


So, since we're on the subject of linguistics, how about texting? I know I hated it to begin with; why do all that stupid typing on the tiny keypad when you could just call? Now I have to have unlimited texting on my phone plan. I love the way you can communicate the essence of your point so quickly, without small talk.

This article and interview are with author David Crystal about his new book, the Gr8 Db8, about the linguistics of texting. Similarly to the misconceptions and fear Tapscott cites coming from the non-digital generations, Crystal quotes apocalyptic warnings about the coming demise of the English language. He basically ends up saying that it's not that big of a deal, and that this adds a new dimension to our methods of communication, but won't encroach into the primary uses of the English language.

This story is from September; I actually heard it on the way to our first tech class. It's just interviews with high school students in Chicago about texting.